Purpose: To protect member’s transaction privacy in adherence to NCUA Rules and Regulations, Part 716.
Scopt: Inform members annually of the current privacy policies of NFG#2 FCU and their right to “Opt Out” of nonpublic disclosure of information.
Policy: NFG#2 FCU may disclose information we collect about you to third parties including the following:
NFG#2 FCU discloses nonpublic personal information concerning you to third parties such as:
You as a member or Joint Consumer have the right to “Opt Out” of disclosure of nonpublic personal information about you (other than information legally permitted by law) by using the attached form for notification to the NFG#2 FCU to “Opt Out”. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those volunteers and employees who need to know that information to provide products and services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with Federal regulations to guard your nonpublic information.